June 24, 2023

“A Destination for Life Champions”

On June 24, 2022, the US Supreme Court’s decision in the Dobbs V Jackson case overturned Roe V. Wade and marked the official start of the new phase of the pro-life movement! This game-changing event was a huge step forward, but it also imposes new challenges, in a unique way, on states where abortion is still legal.

Within the last couple years, you may have heard people say something similar to this: “when Roe V Wade is overturned, states like Washington will become a destination for abortion.” Well, our local politicians are already working hard to make that a reality, as evidenced by the legislation that was proposed last session. Pro-abortion activists came unhinged over the Dobbs decision and are stopping at nothing to continue killing preborn children.

We will not stand around and allow the place we call our home to become a safe haven for killing innocent human beings. The opposition is strong, so we must be also. This means the northwest is a destination, not for abortion, but for the best of the best, the most passionate and dedicated members of the pro-life movement, those who will persevere until abortion is no more. It is a “Destination for Life Champions.”

Why attend the Northwest Pro-Life Conference (NWPLC)?

The Northwest Pro-Life Conference will gather pro-lifers – organizations and individuals—from around this region all in the same place. We’re the only ones who fully understand what it’s like to be pro-life in this area. We face the same challenges, we’re surrounded by the same culture, and we have a common goal. Roe V. Wade is over. It’s time to work together to rid the northwest of the scourge of abortion.

The NWPLC will:



Bring the movement together. We need a northwest gathering of pro-lifers. Not a gathering of political pro-lifers or medical pro-lifers or student pro-lifers. Just pro-lifers! All of them! That’s why, although it is getting started through Human Life of Washington, we didn’t name this the “Human Life of Washington Conference''. We want all pro-life people of all denominations, religions, political views, and areas of the movement to be involved. Each area of the movement is so important and we all need to connect and support each other. This way, sidewalk outreach advocates can connect with pregnancy resource providers to refer women to; activism groups can connect with lobbying groups to help them interact with legislators most effectively, etc. No one has to reinvent the wheel!



Help you find your place. Want to save lives, but not sure where you fit in or how to use your talents? Organizations and speakers from various areas of the movement will be at the Northwest Pro-Life Conference! Check them all out to help you determine how to use your personal gifts and talents to end abortion.



Teach the most effective ways to advocate for life. With pro-life leaders from around the state and country, the Northwest Pro-Life Conference will train pro-lifers, not only to be aware of the different areas of the movement, but on how to defend their position and how to most effectively participate in advocacy.



Make you feel confident engaging on the issue. So many of us have been, or currently are, in a place where we know we are pro-life, but don’t feel we have the tools to engage. Maybe we don’t know how to respond to pro-choice arguments, or we just don’t know how we can advocate for life. We’d like to help you with that! By the end of the conference, you’ll be equipped to turn your inspiration and education into action!



Bring the movement together. We need a northwest gathering of pro-lifers. Not a gathering of political pro-lifers or medical pro-lifers or student pro-lifers. Just pro-lifers! All of them! That’s why, although it is getting started through Human Life of Washington, we didn’t name this the “Human Life of Washington Conference''. We want all pro-life people of all denominations, religions, political views, and areas of the movement to be involved. Each area of the movement is so important and we all need to connect and support each other. This way, sidewalk outreach advocates can connect with pregnancy resource providers to refer women to; activism groups can connect with lobbying groups to help them interact with legislators most effectively, etc. No one has to reinvent the wheel!



Help you find your place. Want to save lives, but not sure where you fit in or how to use your talents? Organizations and speakers from various areas of the movement will be at the Northwest Pro-Life Conference! Check them all out to help you determine how to use your personal gifts and talents to end abortion.



Teach the most effective ways to advocate for life. With pro-life leaders from around the state and country, the Northwest Pro-Life Conference will train pro-lifers, not only to be aware of the different areas of the movement, but on how to defend their position and how to most effectively participate in advocacy.



Make you feel confident engaging on the issue. So many of us have been, or currently are, in a place where we know we are pro-life, but don’t feel we have the tools to engage. Maybe we don’t know how to respond to pro-choice arguments, or we just don’t know how we can advocate for life. We’d like to help you with that! By the end of the conference, you’ll be equipped to turn your inspiration and education into action!

Our Partnerships

Partner Level:

  • HLW Connects
  • Students for Life of America
  • Western Washington Coalition for Life

Life Hero Level:

  • Family Policy Institute of Washington
  • Sidewalk Advocates for Life
  • Support After Abortion
  • Next Step Pregnancy Services

Our sponsors

  • Creekside Celebrations (Silver Level)
  • Human Life of Skagit Valley (Silver Level)
  • Kathy McEntee Pro-Life Education Fund (Bronze Level)



Check in

Morning General Session 

Workshop One

Workshop Two


Workshop Three

Workshop Four

Evening General Session 

Exhibits Close

8:00 AM

9:00 AM – 10:45 AM

11:00 AM – 11:45 AM

12:00 PM – 12:45 PM

12:45 PM – 2:00 PM

2:00 PM – 2:45 PM

3:00 PM – 3:45 PM

4:00 PM – 5:00 PM

5:30 PM

Check in – 8:00 AM

Morning General Session – 9:00 AM – 10:45 AM

Workshop One – 11:00 AM – 11:45 AM

Workshop Two – 12:00 PM – 12:45 PM

Lunch – 12:45 PM – 2:00 PM

Workshop Three – 2:00 PM – 2:45 PM

Workshop Four – 3:00 PM – 3:45 PM

Evening General Session – 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Exhibits Close – 5:30 PM


University of Washington Tacoma
1900 Commerce Street
Tacoma, WA 98402

The Northwest Pro-Life Conference is not endorsed by the University of Washington.

Copyright @2023 All Rights Reserved

Northwest Pro-Life Conference

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