featured speaker

Michael Dumais

Michael Dumais became pro-life at an early age when he learned what abortion was. Many of his family have volunteered in compassionate pro-life outreach, including recovery programs for people suffering abortion-related trauma. He was taught to try to understand people on the other side of any issue, and was frustrated to see and to experience how common it is for pro-life and pro-choice people to talk past each other. He has devoted much of his professional career to understanding and teaching effective pro-life apologetics so that pro-lifers can speak the truth with love, respect, and a practical understanding of both sides of the issue. 

Michael majored in history, with an emphasis on understanding struggles for human rights throughout history as well as the root causes of war and genocide. His studies have lent a unique perspective in studying the history of the abortion issue as well as other matters of human rights and equality.

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Northwest Pro-Life Conference

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